Tummy Tuck Liposuction Spokane and Tri Cities, WA

Lipo Tummy Tuck (Lipo Abdominoplasty)

Lipo Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) plastic surgery procedure involves the best of both worlds.  For patients who have both excess fat and lax skin, liposuction in combination with abdominoplasty provides a safe, efficient alternative to traditional abdominoplasty, and typically does not require the use of drainage tubes.

Mini Tummy Tuck (Mini Abdominoplasty)

A Mini Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) plastic surgery procedure is often performed on patients whose problem is mainly confined below the belly button. During this procedure, the surgeon most likely will not move your belly button. Liposuction may still be performed during this procedure to help you achieve your desired body contouring goals.

Lipo Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Post-Operative Instructions

  • Deep Coughs – 4-6 times deep coughs per hour as instructed to prevent atelectasis, a condition of the lung following surgery that causes fever, shortness of breath, and feeling ill.
  • Ambulating – Must walk every 2-3 hours for 5 minutes to help reduce swelling and lower the risk of blood clots.

Walking Instructions

When walking you must be bend at the waist avoid tension on the abdominal skin and muscles. Your back may become sore in this position so we recommend warm compresses and Icy-Hot gels. You may not be able to stand up straight for 10 days or so.

Traditional Tummy Tuck Drains – For the first 4-5 days you will need to empty drains when they are at the half way point to keep them in suction mode. After this start using your DRAIN LOG and empty once every 24 hours. If full before 24 hours, empty drains and start timing over. To avoid infection always WASH YOUR HANDS before handing your drains and cleaning incision area. Abdominal drains are removed when less than 30ml per 24 hours per drain.


No showering until after your POST-OP appointment, and for 48 hours after your drains are removed.  (However you may take a sponge bath.) After dressings are removed, you may resume showering using an antibacterial soap. Always pat dry the incision area, DON’T RUB.

  • Lifting – No lifting greater than 10-15lbs for the first 2 weeks after surgery or otherwise instructed by the doctor. On your 2 week follow-up appointment, ask the doctor about your individual weight limitations.  These will vary depending on the extent of muscle repair. (However, if you must lift, use your legs).
  • Garment – Wear your garment continuously for 4-6 weeks after surgery. (However you may remove it to shower & wash).
  • Exercise – Avoid straining of abdominal muscles. Strenuous exercise and activities are restricted for up to 6 weeks after surgery.

*Do not remove the Surgical Glue or Adhesive Strips (steri-strips).  These will fall off within a week or two after surgery.  If the steri strips have not come off after 14 days, they may be gently removed.  (Always Wash your hands)

*Protect the scar from direct sun or tanning bed exposure for 2 years, or until the scar is the same color as the surrounding skin.  This will help to prevent abnormal pigmentation of the scar.

Contact Us for a Consultation

To contact Shape Cosmetic Surgery & Med Spa, PLLC, and obtain a complimentary consultation with Dr. Lundeby, please call 509-458-SKIN (7546) or email us.